Steam And Stirling Engines
Steam and Stirling Engines You Can Build Volume 1 $41.95
Steam and Stirling—Engines You Can Build, provides the specific “how-to” details that amateur machinists and tinkers need to complete great live steam power projects. With hundreds of sketches and photos, blow-by-blow instructions and explicit design information you will be able to easily build and use, completely functional Half-Horse Marine Engines, Steam Turbines, Opposed Piston Steam Engines, V-4 Oscillating Cylinder Engines, and many more fascinating contraptions. This book opens up to the thrill of building something that actually works, it’s yours by just following the directions! If you are a complete novice in this field, pick one of the simpler projects for your first attempt and gradually work your way through the others as your skill, abilities and confidence increase. One thing is absolutely certain, you are sure to find countless pleasurable hours in your workshop with the projects in this book.
Steam And Stirling Engines You Can Build Volume 2 $41.95
Steam and Stirling Engines You Can Build, Book 2, is much bigger than its predecessor. It is packed with far more projects, designs and techniques, yet it offers that same superior level of description providing hundreds more photos and sketches along with the extremely detailed instructions and guidance that the first book is famous for. The projects are written by 22 different authors with some designs based on prototypes while others are originals. The level of difficulty ranges from the very simple projects like the Simple Steam Engine and the Stirling Hot Air Engine can be completed with little more than a drill press and hand tools, to very sophisticated designs like the Duplex Pump. Also included in this sequel are some interesting articles on heating like Andy Sprague’s exact instructions, with photos and a sketch that will show you how to easily build a Simple Alcohol Burner and another excellent article which discusses how to use propane gas to fire your engine including updates from author Chris Leggo, based upon new findings. This book truly spares no detail you’ll even find a wide range of fine techniques for everything from creating more satisfactory lubrication to making a wood flywheel and roll forming copper boiler heads.