Methane Production and Uses
Biogas: Volumes 1 & 2 $24.95
Biogas: Volumes 1 & 2 combines two works that truly belong together. This book will enable you to genuinely understand how to really utilize Biogas in agricultural development at the farm and family level. Volume 1: Biogas, what it is; how it is made; how to use it begins with a thorough introduction to Biogas. This volume includes the information that you need to build a small Biogas unit including what materials you will need, where to put it and how to test for leaks. It goes on to describe which waste materials you should use and how to use them. It also explains how to protect your Biogas unit from weather extremes, maintenance needs of biogas units and much more. Volume 2: building a better Biogas unit follows after Volume 1 perfectly with great insights for those who have been through the first volume and have already built, tested and used a biogas unit or two. This volume is for those who have advanced their understanding of Biogas through valuable hands experience and are ready for the next level. Even if you have built several Biogas units, Volume 2 will give you essential tips that will definitely help you to build a better unit!
Hand Book of Home Made Power $24.95
The Famous Mother Earth News Book from the 70’s.
This book is HANDS ON. USE IT NOW. 374 jam-packed pages of do-it-at-home energy knowledge. This book is actually MUCH BIGGER and easier to read than the original paperback copy of the book. It covers wood heat and wood power, water/hydroelectric home power and RAM-pumps. The handbook also has chapters on wind power, solar energy and an extensive chapter on making and using methane. The methane chapter covers the anaerobic digestion of animal waste. We’re talking digestion and methane made in pails, drums and even a propane tank. Put animal waste and water in a propane tank, keep it warm and let it digest. In a few days you can pipe the pressurized methane directly to a Colman lantern type of lamp, a stove or as a pressure feed to a compressor for a car.